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Read the Bible in 2024 with Us

As a part of our mission to see lives transformed for the glory of God alone, in 2024, we will be reading through the Bible chronologically as a church. The sermons and Sunday School lessons will also follow this reading plan. Below, you will find helpful resources for your personal reading plan and our

Sunday School curriculum for 2024.


The Bible Recap Daily Reading Plan

We will use The Bible Recap daily reading plan to help us all stay on the same page chronologically. Below is a link to a printable version and printouts are available at our Welcome Center. This plan has many additional resources you might find helpful. Using the YouVersion Bible app you can read each day's selection on your phone or tablet.


The Bible Recap also produces a daily podcast and YouTube video. Listening or watching each day can help you understand what you are

reading and why it matters.


If you need technical help getting started,

please don't hesitate to get in touch

with the church office!

Adult Sunday
School Resources

FBC Liberty City is partnering with First Baptist Church of Watauga throughout 2024 to co-write a one year chronological study of the Bible. As a companion to the Bible Recap reading plan, the Youth and Adult Small Groups will be studying a passage or passages from the previous week's reading.


To download a copy of the curriculum, please click the link below.

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Children's Sunday
School Resources

FBC Liberty City children's Sunday School classes will be using a curriculum from The Biggest Story throughout 2024. The Biggest Story curriculum is designed to help teach kids Bible stories that will help them understand God's plan to redeem the world through his Son, Jesus.  


The Biggest Story has a storybook Bible that accompanies the curriculum. If you would like more information about this curriculum or would like to purchase a storybook Bible please click the link below or visit


The Bible Recap also has The Bible Recap Kid's Devotional: 365 Reflections and Activities for Children and Families.

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